Hairdo Lesson with Nazliman (1st November 2008)
At last, I've got a chance to polish my hairdo skills (which I learnt from Kak Lily more than 2 yrs back). And now, with lotss of help from my truly sifoo, Nazliman, it seems much easier than I thought. And as usual, he told me the secret behind his magical touch... which is a word called "PRACTICE!" - no kidding, it's true! So these are some piccas from the lessons, thanks so much to my 'best-est' lab-mate, Fiza, for being our model-of-the-day ;) *tak pasal2 Fiza dpt 'beauty spot' kat corner tu :P* FYI, Fiza has a straight, shoulder length hair..
- After curling with the hot rollers -

- Style 1 : All pulled at one-side -

- Style 2 : Well-known french-twist bun -

- Style 3 : Her hair was tied to the right to make a traditional-look bun -

- Style 4 : Another traditional-look; center-parted fringe with normal bun -

- After curling with the hot rollers -

- Style 1 : All pulled at one-side -

- Style 2 : Well-known french-twist bun -

- Style 3 : Her hair was tied to the right to make a traditional-look bun -

- Style 4 : Another traditional-look; center-parted fringe with normal bun -