[Picture] Make-up Class on 25th Dec

Picture after the class... It was super-duper fun!!!
from left : me, siti, sarah, shira, zohren, farah, maizatul

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[Pictures] Make-Up Demo

M A K E - U P D O E S W O N D E R ~ ! !

Come and try yourself, the GLOW of the beauty...

Daily make-up: Model is Siti Sarah - just look at her fresh and beautiful face after the touch-ups! Oppss, I forgot to do her hair!


Model is Ayuni, my lovely sister-in-law. She has an oily skin with pimples and pimple scars, need a lot of concealing. Just look at the picture after the make-up, FLAWLESS! This picture shows you a thousand words ;) This is makeup demo for special event.

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Model is Azeemah, also my sister-in law :) The make-up is very lite and enuff to cover just a few flaws on her face. She already has a fair skin, and I just add some colors to show the real beauty of her face. This is a beautiful daily makeup.

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The pictures of the model Farah Ziana. This is the sample of lite makeup - for daily use...

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Another picture, done by me somewhere August 2004. Model is Norazlina (AnndieLina) - makeup for Malam Helwani (MMU Usrah Dinner). Before makeup picture was taken from camera phone, blurrr! This is the sample of event makeup...

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Model is Siti Nafsiah, my beloved room mate. This is a sample of event makeup with smokey eyes. Actually she already has a quite flawless skin, so not much concealing technique involved. Pictures a bit blur because I'm using my N6230 camera phone. Sorry for that...

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